[DOFUS][RETRO] I lost my rank as leader. Why?

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The game contains an automatic mechanic to ensure a guild's transition in the event of a long-term absence of its leader: 

  • When the lead character has been inactive for 45 days (i.e. one month and 15 days), the rank of leader is automatically transferred to the most active guild member.
  • When a character has been inactive for three months, they are automatically excluded from the guild.
  • When a guild has only one member (the leader), the leader is automatically excluded from the guild after one year of inactivity on the server, causing the definitive deletion of the guild.

The new leader is granted full powers, and can notably:

  • Nominate another leader
  • Expel members
  • Dissolve the guild
  • Change the guild name
  • Change the guild emblem
  • Buy/sell paddocks

It is very important that leaders ensure their succession themselves before any extended absence in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Support does not intervene in recruitment, general guild management, or this game mechanic.  Support also cannot restore your rank as leader.

Once a guild is disbanded, it is definitively deleted and impossible to restore no matter what the circumstances.


280px-Wakfu_Logo.pngThe game contains an automatic mechanic to ensure a guild's transition in the event of a long-term absence of its leader: 

  • After 60 days of inactivity on the server, the rank of leader is automatically passed on to the highest-ranking guild member who has been active over the last 15 days.

The new leader is granted full powers, and can notably:

  • Nominate another leader
  • Expel members
  • Dissolve the guild
  • Have total control over the Bank and Haven World

It is very important that leaders ensure their succession themselves before any extended absence in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Support does not intervene in recruitment, general guild management, or this game mechanic. Support also cannot restore your rank as leader.

Once a guild is disbanded, it is definitively deleted and impossible to restore no matter what the circumstances.


logo_Dofus_touch_-_fond_transparent.pngThe game contains an automatic mechanic to ensure a guild's transition in the event of a long-term absence of its leader: 

  • After 45 days of inactivity (that is, one month and 15 days) on the server, the rank of leader is automatically passed on to the second-rank guild member who has logged in over the last 45 days.
  • If several players are eligible, the one who has been a member of the guild the longest will be selected.
  • If there are no second-rank players or no players at all, the former leader will not be replaced.
  • In addition, we only trigger the guild leader's activity check when the game servers are restarted or when the kick request has been sent to the server.

Support does not intervene in recruitment, general guild management, or this game mechanic. Support also cannot restore your rank as leader.

Once a guild is disbanded, it is definitively deleted and impossible to restore no matter what the circumstances.

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