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[ANKAMA] What's the login ID for my Ankama account?
Error message: "Login not allowed: your IP address is hidden."
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Access My Server From Abroad
My account was put under protection. What do I do?
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What's the difference between an account name and a nickname ?
What is the Facebook UID (user ID)? Where can it be found?
Find your Google User ID
How can I recover my account ?
Create and certify my account
Present an official form of identification
Can I loan or share an account ?
Can I buy or sell an account ?
Deletion of Inactive Accounts
The Various Types of Sanctions
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Add ou modify my phone number
Change and choose a good secret answer?
How do I change my email address ?
Change my nickname
In what countries is the SMS assistance service available ?
I'm not receiving emails from Ankama
Create, change, or restore my character
Choosing a Character or Guild Name, or an Alliance Name or Tag
Renaming my character or guild
[DOFUS] Restore a character
[DOFUS] Add a character
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I dont' know my account name
I don't know my password
I think my account's been stolen
I'm being locked out by the shield / authenticator
Top articles
[ANKAMA] What's the login ID for my Ankama account?
[DOFUS] DOFUS 3.0 - Known Bugs
[DOFUS] DOFUS 3.0: Purchase-Related Issues
[ANKAMA] Submitting and Tracking a Support Ticket
[DOFUS] Transfer a character to another server