Registered Country in My Ankama Account

What is my account country? 

Several criteria are considered when determining the country for your account. Based on the country set by these criteria, a currency and different payment methods are available to you for purchases in our shops. Provided that you have respected our Terms of Use and apart from some rare exceptions, your account country will be the same as your country of residence.

Therefore, even if you are traveling, the prices and currency won't change: They still correspond to your account country.

You can check your account country here.


I can't pay with the currency of my country of residence /
My account country is not the same as my country of residence.

If the country registered in your Ankama account is not the same as your country of residence, please change your account country (see below).


How do I change my account country? 

If your account country is not the same as your country of residence or you have recently moved, please contact Support and provide as much information as possible that would prove your current country of residence.

Support will then review your request.

Tip: If you haven't yet made a purchase, you can enter or change your personal phone number here: Add a phone number.
Your account country will automatically change to the same one your phone number is registered to.
(Adding your phone number allows you to manage various security features:  recover your account password, one-click payments… Make sure to use your personal number!) 


Please note that using proxies/VPNs can lead to an incorrect country being registered. Remember that  the use of proxies/VPNs is strictly forbidden in our Terms of Use. Failure to comply with this provision exposes you to possible sanctions.

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