[DOFUS] Transfer a character to another server

To find out about the new restrictions associated with the launch of DOFUS 3.0, click here.


How do character transfers work?

Transferring your character to another server is a paid service available from the Shop. 

To get this service, visit the Shop in the game or on the website.

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Almost instantaneous transfers ! 

Once the transfer is purchased, it is no longer carried out during the weekly maintenance as before, but within minutes following the purchase.

  • If your character is offline when the purchase is made and you have waited a few minutes before logging back in, you just need to go to the server chosen when purchasing the transfer and play with your character.
  • If your character is in-game, a pop-up will ask you to log out and wait a few minutes before logging back in.

What are the new payment terms?

- The server transfer is available using real currency only, which limits abuse and combats inter-server trading, which we remind you is prohibited.
- There is no longer a discount for multiple transfers in the same week.
- Since the transfer is instant, it can't be canceled once purchased.


What can be transferred?

Can Be Transferred

  • The character's name, if available on the new server (1)
  • Equipped items
  • Le contenu de l’inventaire "équipement"
  • Mounts (2)
  • Mount inventory items

Cannot Be Transferred

  • The bank
  • Marketplace items (3)
  • Your house and the contents of chests in the house, as well as your guild, paddocks, and mounts in paddocks or stables (4)
  • The contents of your Haven Bag

(1) If your character's nickname is already in use on the new server, you will have to change it. In this case, the nickname change is free.

(2) If there were any mount certificates in your character's inventory before the transfer, they will be transferred to the bank of the character's original server. You can then recover them by logging in with a character on that server and going to the bank.

(3) You must retrieve any items listed for sale before the transfer.

(4) You'll need to remember to give the character any items you want them to take along, as well as to sell their houses and paddocks before leaving a server for good.


/!\ Be careful with your cosmetics!

Following the launch of DOFUS 3.0, changes have been made to the way cosmetics are managed.

Cosmetics in the “Equipment” tab of your inventory are linked to the character, while those learned in the cosmetics collection in the “Cosmetics” tab are linked to the server.


Consequently, if your cosmetic is in the cosmetics collection (“cosmetics” tab of your inventory), it will not be transferred with the character during the transfer.

You need to remove it from the cosmetics collection by right-clicking “Remove from cosmetics collection” to link it to the character.



If you have forgotten to remove your cosmetics from the Collection, we invite you to carry out the following steps:

  • create a character on the origin server,
  • go to your inventory, to the cosmetics tab, then right-click on the cosmetics and select “remove from cosmetics collection”. This will return these items to your inventory equipment,
  • Finally, proceed with a new transfer via the service available in the store.

Are there any restrictions on character transfers?

The following restrictions apply:

  • Your character's level must be higher than 20 (except transfers between Temporis servers).
  • There must be an open slot on the server for the character to be transferred to. 
  • The number of transfers on any given server is limited by quotas. Once these quotas have been reached, the server is no longer available in the list of destination servers until the following week.
  • Transfers are impossible: 
    • Between servers of different types (classic, epic, single-account, and Temporis) with the exception of transfers from the Temporis and single-account servers to classic servers.
    • If your account is permanently banned.

Be aware that if you use this service, your character will be automatically kicked out of your guild upon arrival at the new server. If you were the leader or the last active member of your guild, the guild will be erased.

In addition, you run the risk of having to change your nickname permanently and irreversibly if the nickname contains a Dofus-Wakfu[Brm]-type server merger tag.


Are character transfers not allowed with certain servers?

The following character transfers are not allowed: 

  • Incoming migrations:
      • To servers in single-account mode, so-called "non-classic" or temporary ones (Temporis): Draconiros and Temporis servers
  • Outgoing migrations:
      • From Temporis servers to so-called permanent servers. Migrating between Temporis servers is indeed allowed.
      • From the Ombre server

In addition, it won't be possible to transfer a character from a new server to an old one (and vice-versa).

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