DOFUS 2.0 is making way for DOFUS 3.0, which launches on Tuesday, December 3, after being ported to the Unity client!  


The launch takes place in 2 stages:

  • Tuesday 03/12: launch of new Pioneer servers
  • Wednesday 04/12: launch of historical servers

For this, preregistration was open from November 3, 2024, to November 26, 2024. 

By preregistering, players could reserve their character name(s) on their chosen server(s) and earn rewards based on the number of players preregistered after the end of the preregistration period. 

Learn more about the rewards announced.

At the end of preregistration, the number of accounts preregistered was more than 319 000. The following rewards will therefore be given out: 

Preregistration Objectives Rewards
50,000 Celestial Gobball (+20 Wisdom for 500 fights)
100,000 An additional head skin
180,000 A companion chosen from 4
250,000 Free Pet Skin, Costume and Backpack


What types of servers are available? 

There are single-account and multi-account servers.

After preregistration, the following servers are open at launch:

Single-account servers Multi-account servers
Dakal 1 Rafal 1
Dakal 2 Rafal 2
Dakal 3 Rafal 3
Dakal 4 Salar 1
Dakal 5 Salar 2
Dakal 6 Salar 3
Dakal 7 Brial 1
Dakal 8 Brial 2
Dakal 9 Brial 3
Dakal 10 Kourial 1
.... Kourial 2
Dakal N Kourial 3
  Mikhal 1
  Mikhal 2
  Mikhal 3


What is a single-account server? 

If you want to experience the adventure on a single-account server, there are certain restrictions in place, which you can find below. A single player may only log in with a single account at a time on each server.
We verify certain data such as IP, email address and phone number to enforce this limit.

The following restrictions are related to the main restriction:

  • The account must have a subscription.
  • The account must be certified, i.e. associated with the true identity of the account's creator.
  • A current cellphone number must be associated with the account.
    If you do not have a cellphone, you will not be able to access this specific server. If you do not receive our text messages, or if your country/region does not have coverage to receive text messages, please submit a request to our Support team. 
  • Only one connection per IP address is allowed. 

We are aware that the IP restrictions may block players sharing the same internet connection (family members, joint tenants, etc.) who wish to play together normally. For this reason, we allow a second connection from the same IP, but the other criteria must always be met.

Connecting using 4G is allowed for couples, families and joint tenants. However, we suggest you contact your internet service provider (ISP) to make sure that the connection's IP address will not be shared. Note that this does not mean that using multiple accounts is allowed.
You also need to comply with the Terms of Use (ToU).

Learn more 


I've forgotten my login credentials. How can I find them? 

Do you want to join the adventure but can't remember your login details?

Don't panic!

We have recovery services for your login details: 


HD pack available! 

Because we always want to improve your game experience, DOFUS 3.0 has an HD pack available to accompany the launch! 

This “experimental” version will be available for download on December 10, and will weigh in at around 30 GB. Problems may still remain, as the teams continue to work on improvements. Given its weight, please also note that map loading times will inevitably be longer than in classic mode.

We invite you to consult the minimum and recommended configurations.

You can switch from one version of the game to the other (“SD” or “HD Experimental” via the game options in the launcher).

Please refer to the minimum and recommended requirements to use it because they differ depending on whether you are playing on a single-account or multi-account server. 


I want to join a friend on another server. How can I do this? 

Free transfers were disabled on 01/21/2025.

To join a friend, a transfer service is available.


What server transfer restrictions are there?

 These are the restrictions:

  • We are unable to do a transfer from a pioneer server to an old server in the first few months
  • We are unable to do a transfer from a multi-account pioneer server to a single-account pioneer server (but the other way round is possible)


My cosmetics were not transferred with my character

Following the launch of DOFUS 3.0, changes have been made to the way cosmetics are managed.

Cosmetics in the “Equipment” tab of your inventory are linked to the character, while those learned in the cosmetics collection in the “Cosmetics” tab are linked to the server.


Consequently, if your cosmetic is in the cosmetics collection (“cosmetics” tab of your inventory), it will not be transferred with the character during the transfer.

You need to remove it from the cosmetics collection by right-clicking “Remove from cosmetics collection” to link it to the character.



If you have forgotten to remove your cosmetics from the Collection, we invite you to carry out the following steps:

  • create a character on the origin server,
  • go to your inventory, to the cosmetics tab, then right-click on the cosmetics and select “remove from cosmetics collection”. This will return these items to your inventory equipment,
  • finally, transfer your new character using the free server transfer for new servers available on the Ankama Store.


I can't collect my gifts on a new server

Pending gifts given out before November 4 can't be retrieved on the new DOFUS 3.0 servers, regardless of whether they are consumables, scrolls, potions and even cosmetics. This is all part of the decision taken by our teams to ensure the experience is a "new start, starting from scratch".
We felt this was important because certain items would grant an advantage that goes against the idea of starting a brand-new adventure.

Note that from 12:01 a.m. on November 4, gifts sent to the gift interface can be retrieved on the new servers.


How many character slots are allowed on the new servers?

You can have 5 characters per server type on the new servers, which means 5 characters on multi-account servers and 5 characters on single-account servers. These character slots are separate from the slots available on existing servers. 


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