[DOFUS] [RETRO] [WAKFU] [DOFUSTOUCH] [WAVEN] Recommended Configurations


Logo_Dofus_Unity_Quadri_SVG (1).svg

The "Minimum" requirements reflect essentially what you'll need to play in single-account mode. For multi-account play, we suggest you check the "Recommended" requirements.​

One client currently takes 2GB of RAM when launched. Therefore, if you intend to play with 8 accounts, you will need to have 32 GB of RAM (8 accounts x 2 GB, not counting Windows and any other processes that may be running).





Since update 1.79, it is no longer possible to launch the 32-bit client on the machines concerned.


DOFUS Touch can only be played on tablet or smartphone, not on devices like Chromebook, Mac M1, etc.

Supported devices for playing DOFUS Touch



--> PC

--> Mobile 


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