[WAKFU] Getting and Exchanging Kama Stone

What are Kama Stones?

Kama Stones are a new feature for exchanging ogrines for kamas and vice versa, which therefore provides access to all paid content and services in the in-game Shop without having to pay real money.


/!\ You can purchase a Kama Stone in the online or in-game shop to get linked ogrines. /!\ Since November 26, 2024, as part of efforts to combat bots, a new restriction is in place for exchanging a Kama Stone. You now need to make at least one purchase in real currency with the account or to have created your account before 2023 to be able to use this feature. 


I'd like to buy a Kama Stone with real money

You can purchase a Kama Stone in the online or in-game Shop to get linked ogrines.

These may then be spent in the in-game Shop to obtain boosters, services, and cosmetic items.

The value of a Kama Stone is 6 euros for 3,000 ogrines.


I'd like to exchange my Kama Stone for kamas

You can exchange your Kama Stone or kamas from a dedicated buying/selling interface in the in-game Shop.

You can list your Kama Stone for a kama amount of your choosing.

The going rate for a Kama Stone will be automatically provided.

Good to know: 

  • You can always remove the item for sale to change its price, for example.
  • A warning will appear when your price is unusually high or low.

Kamas received from the trade-in can only be used on the server on which the sale was completed.

You can find them in the in-game "Rewards" menu: 



I'd like to buy a Kama Stone using my kamas

You buy a Kama Stone using kamas. Once the purchase is confirmed, you'll receive linked ogrines and the Kama Stone will disappear.

The purchased Kama Stone therefore can't be resold because the linked ogrines are automatically credited to your account after the purchase.


Good to know:  Once the exchange goes through, it can't be undone.



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