There are international servers in single-account mode for the games DOFUS and DOFUS Retro:
- Permanent servers: Draconiros and Dakal
- Temporary servers: Temporis
- DOFUS Retro:
- Permanent server: Boune
- Temporary servers: Temporis
Single-account mode solely consists of subscribed players controlling one account at a time. Therefore, you cannot play several characters at once.
How many character slots do I have ?
You play using one of 5 character slots split between the two servers.
You have five character slots.
What are the restrictions for this game mode?
A single player may only log in with a single account at a time on each server.
We verify certain information, such as IP address, email address, or phone number, to apply this limitation.
The following restrictions are related to the main restriction:
- The account must be subscribed.
- The account must be certified (i.e. linked to the account creator's true identity).
- The account must be linked to an up-to-date phone number .
If you don't have a cell phone number, you won't be able to access this particular server. If you're not receiving our text messages, or text messaging isn't available for your country or region, please submit a Support ticket. - Only one connection per IP is possible.
DOFUS & Temporis Specific :
- We're aware that these IP restrictions may block players sharing the same Internet connection (family members, housemates, etc.) who wish to play together regularly. For this reason, we allow a second login from the same IP, but the other criteria must still be met.
- 4G connections are allowed for couples, families, and housemates. Please note: This does NOT mean that multi-accounting is allowed.
Reminder :
- It is forbidden to use a proxy, VPN, or any other method allowing established limitations to be bypassed.
- Having one account in merchant mode and playing with another account at the same time is not allowed (DOFUS Retro)
Are specific settings needed for DOFUS Retro?
To access the DOFUS Retro single-account server, you must use the Modern version of the game architecture.
If you are not using this version, you will receive the following error message:
Your DOFUS Retro client is incompatible with this server.
This server is reserved for players using the "'Modern" version of DOFUS Retro.
Follow these steps to set the architecture version:
- Open the game options.
- In the "General" section, select the "Modern" architecture.
Kama Exchange
The Kama Exchange (KE) is available on Draconiros but separate from the other servers.
There is no Kama Exchange on the single-account DOFUS Retro servers.
There are no plans to allow migration to these servers.
Migration between Temporis servers is available.
Migration is not possible in DOFUS Retro.
DOFUS Retro – Gift Interface Item Restrictions
The Tempus Bloomuses given out after other server rollbacks cannot be collected on the single-account DOFUS Retro servers.