Why have I received a security code?

Ankama has e-mailed you a security code and you don’t know why.

There are several possible explanations:

  • If you are not familiar with Ankama or our games DOFUS and WAKFU, the most likely explanation is that one of our players has entered your e-mail address by mistake. Don’t worry – this is not serious and the player cannot use the address against you in any way. The situation is comparable to one of your neighbours (accidentally) writing down your postal address instead of their own. You would receive their post, but you would not have to pay their bills, for example.

  • If you do have an Ankama account and play one of our games, the situation is more worrying. Someone may well be trying to gain access to your account, possibly in the hopes of stealing it.

    Security codes are sent to activate or deactivate measures designed to protect your Ankama account (Shield and Authenticator). If you receive one without having requested it yourself, then “the thief” has your personal information (your login, your password, your secret answer and access to the e-mail inbox associated with your account). If the code is being used to deactivate Authenticator, “the thief” has also accessed your mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

    It is essential that you contact Ankama Support immediately.

Here is the procedure to follow.

First step
In order to authenticate you as the account owner, you must send us one the following documents (you can photograph or scan these documents): 

  •   ID card
  •   Passport
  •   Driver's License
  •   Familial documentation (for minors younger than 15)
  •   Assurance Maladie card (Quebecois)

Second step
Please create a new, personal and secure email address which has never been used for an Ankama account.

Third step
This step is indispensable for those whose accounts are not in their name.

You must provide us: 

  • The email address used to create the account (it doesn't need to still be operational)
  • The account creation date (or an approximation)

 If you've assembled all this information, you can contact us.

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