The two-factor authentication mobile app (TOTP) boosts your account security by adding a second confirmation step to the login process. In addition to your password, you'll then need to enter a code generated by the authentication mobile app of your choosing.
Once activated, the security feature will be applied to Ankama websites and the games DOFUS, WAKFU, and DOFUS Touch.
The confirmation code will be generated by the app, irrespective of a network or mobile connection.
How is it activated?
1) Go to your account management, in the Security tab.
2) Under dual authentication protection, click on Two-factor authentication application.
3) Open your authentication app or download one.
If you don't have a dual authentication mobile app, first download one.
Here are a few third-party mobile apps you'll find in the app store on your mobile device: Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, FreeOTP, YubiKey, Lastpass, Authy by Twilio ....
4) Once the mobile app is downloaded and launched, scan the QR code or enter the configuration key in your app.
--> Your account is linked with the app.
5) Finally, to enable this security on your account, enter the code generated by the app.
Your account is now protected by the two-factor authentication app!
Your account page will automatically refresh, confirming that the authentication method is active.
Please note that if you enable two-factor authentication via app and email, the security code requested will be generated by the app.
I can't access the code generated by the app; what should I do?
If you're locked out of your account because the mobile app is temporarily unavailable, you can request a security code via text message.
To do so, you need to have saved a phone number to your account.