[DOFUS] Collecting Your In-Game Purchases and Gifts

 You have access to three different areas to collect your items, depending on how you got them.


1 - The in-game gift area


It is used to collect:

  • shop purchases,
  • gifts from Mystery Boxes,
  • items given away for compensation or events.


You can get there from the character selection interface, as well as once you have logged in to the game server.


Note: If you made your purchase while logged in to the game, you will need to log out and back in for your items to appear in the "You have received a gift!" interface.


Case No. 1: The Gift Area When Selecting a Character


1: Launch the game DOFUS, select the server, then click the gift icon.


 2: Choose a gift to assign by clicking the arrow-shaped icon next to the item, which will assign it to your character.



Be careful to choose the right one, because you won't be able to backtrack once the item has been assigned to the character.


Case No. 2: The In-Game Gift Area Once the Character Is Logged In

1: Click on the "Shop" icon.


2: Go to the Purchases/Codes/Gifts tab.

3: Collect your items with the character that is logged in.



2 - The Gift Code area on the DOFUS website


This space lets you:

  • Open a Mystery Box or token and see its contents.
  • Trigger a subscription token.
  • Use a gift card code and see its contents.


To access it:

  1. Go to this page: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/community/codes (Game menu → "Gift Code" on the DOFUS website home page).
  2. Enter the code. The items collected – excluding subscriptions – will appear in the second section, "List of my pending gifts, subscriptions and tokens".
  3. Click "Use" if you want to trigger the subscription (subscription token) or send the items to your in-game gift area.



3 - The quest rewards gift area


To collect quest rewards, click the gift-shaped icon once your character is in the game. You can also collect Veteran Reward and achievement gains.



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