I noticed debits from ankama on my bank statement

Ankama is a company which produces and distributes internet-based video games such as DOFUS and WAKFU and publishes books and comics.

Our games offer players the opportunity to evolve their character (wisdom, agility, intelligence, etc.) by chatting with other players, fighting monsters and practicing a profession. It all takes place in a friendly, colorful world. To date, several million players have registered. Players can play for free in a limited number of areas and up to a certain level. If they wish to see more of the world and keep on evolving, they must subscribe.

Someone in your close circle is probably playing DOFUS or WAKFU (your child or grand-child) or is interested in our publications and might have used your credit card or your Paypal account without your knowledge. You can contact Ankama Support to find out who has been benefiting from these payments.

But before you do so, you should talk to your children/grand-children and ask them for their Ankama account name. If you can't get their account names, simply give us their name, first name, and their email address if possible.

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The response time varies depending on the request and Ankama's current projects.